This is the documentation for Superforms version 1. The latest version can be found at!

Proxy objects

Sometimes the form data must be proxied, which could happen when you get a string value from an input field, third-party library, etc. and want it to be automatically converted and updated with a non-string value in your schema.

import {
  // The first ones uses the $form store
  // and is always a Writable<string>:
  // These two uses the whole object returned from
  // superForm. Type depends on the field.
  // Can use any object. Type depends on the field.
} from 'sveltekit-superforms/client';

The usage for all of them is practically the same, only the initial argument will differ, as described above.

import { superForm, intProxy } from 'sveltekit-superforms/client';

// Assume the following schema:
// z.object({ id: z.number().int() })

const { form } = superForm(data.form);

// Returns a Writable<string>
const idProxy = intProxy(form, 'id');

Now if you bind to $idProxy instead of $, the value will be converted to and from an integer, and $ will be updated automatically.

Note that this kind of conversion will usually happen automatically with bind:value. intProxy and numberProxy are rarely needed, as Svelte handles this automatically. But proxies may still be useful if you want to set the value to undefined or null when the value is falsy, in which case you can use the empty option.

Nested proxies

You can use a proxy for nested data, like '', in which case parent objects will be created if they don’t exist.

Date input issues

The date input type is a bit special. Its underlying data is a string in yyyy-mm-dd format, but the dateProxy returns an ISO date string as default, so you need to use the format option to return the date part only:

const proxyDate = dateProxy(form, 'date', { format: 'date' });
  aria-invalid={$ ? 'true' : undefined}
  min={$, 10)}
  max={$, 10)} 

We’re also taking advantage of the min and max constraints to limit the date picker selection. The following example limits the date from today and forward, and also uses the empty option of the proxy, to set an invalid date to undefined:

  date: undefined