This is the documentation for Superforms version 1. The latest version can be found at!

Default values

When superValidate encounters a schema field that isn’t optional, or when a FormData field is falsy, a default value is returned to the form, to ensure that the type is correct:

type value
string ""
number 0
boolean false
Array []
object {}
bigint BigInt(0)
symbol Symbol()

Changing a default value

You can, of course, set your own default values in the schema, using the default method. You can even abuse the typing system a bit to handle the classic “agree to terms” checkbox:

const schema = z.object({
  age: z
    .default('' as unknown as number),
  agree: z.literal(true).default(false as true)

This looks a bit strange, but will ensure that the age isn’t set to 0 as default (which will hide placeholder text in the input field), and also ensure that the agree checkbox is unchecked as default while also only accepting true (checked) as a value.

optional vs. nullable

Fields set to null will take precedence over undefined, so a field that is both nullable and optional will have null as its default value. Otherwise, it’s undefined.

Non-supported defaults

The Zod types ZodEnum and ZodUnion can’t use the listed default values, in which case you must set a default value for them:

const schema = z.object({
  fish: z.enum(['Salmon', 'Tuna', 'Trout']).default('Salmon')

// If it's nullable/optional/nullish, no need for a default
// (but it can still be set)
const schema2 = z.object({
  fish: z.enum(['Salmon', 'Tuna', 'Trout']).nullable()